2020 Census Update

You may soon be seeing Census workers in neighborhoods, at apartments, and at rural residences. This is part of the door-to-door operation during which enumerators will be knocking on doors and seeking responses from households that have not already self-responded to the census. These workers will be able to produce an official Census ID badge and provide a number that can be called to verify their official capacity. If they are unable to make contact, they will leave behind a card with a unique ID # that the household may use to respond online or call the Census toll free number. If the household self-responds the field enumerator will not return, otherwise the enumerator will return several times or until a response is completed. There is still time to self-respond! Respond online at my2020census.gov or by phone 844-330-2020.

Everyone counts! Census data is used to allocate federal funds to state and local communities for programs like Medicaid, Head Start, Community Block Grants, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and more! Be counted Huachuca City!