The Huachuca City Police Department has not raised fees associated with impounds, public records requests and animal control in many years. However, the costs of providing these services have continued to increase. The proposed fee adjustments address those increased operational costs. To ensure that burden of these costs is not born by taxpayers, the Town of Huachuca City is proposing to increase these fees. These proposed Police Department fee increases[ Read More …]
Town News
Public Notice – Proposed Garbage Fee Increases
Huachuca City Garbage fees must be adjusted each year to keep up with the increased costs of providing services. In 2018, the Town began contracting its garbage service through Waste Management. Pursuant to the terms of the Town’s contract, the fees are to be adjusted annually to keep up with increased costs as measured by changes in the Consumer Price Index. Therefore, the following schedule is proposed to replace any[ Read More …]
Public Notice – Home Rule Option – Council Vote
Public Notice The voters of the Town of Huachuca City in 2020 adopted an Alternative Expenditure Limitation – Home Rule Option. The purpose of this election is for the continued use of the Alternative Expenditure Limitation – Home Rule Option. Pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-563.01, the Town of Huachuca City Council voted to approve the proposed Alternative Expenditure Limitation – Home Rule Option at its regular meeting on June 27,[ Read More …]
Water Notice
The Town recently suffered a water main break. After effecting repairs, the hydrants were flushed several times and chlorine was added to the system. At least one resident noticed grit and an oily residue in his water, but it is not uncommon for some grit to get into the lines when repair work is done. Later it was determined that there was another resident who had issues with his water;[ Read More …]
Holiday Meal
The Huachuca City Activity Center will be hosting a catered Holiday Meal on Wednesday December 13th. It will be a traditional holiday ham dinner. The cost is $13 and you can sign up at the library no later than December 6th. Come meet some new friends and have some good food at the same time! For more information, please call the library at 520-456-1063.
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