Skyline Drive between upper and lower Huachuca City is currently closed and will remain closed until driving conditions improve.
Public Notices
Regular Council Meeting 12-27-2018
The regularly scheduled Council meeting for December 27, 2018 has been cancelled, due to lack of quorum.
Water & Sewer Rate Increase Information
Water and Sewer rate increase information: Huachuca Water & Sewer Workshop Presentation – 12.6.2018 V6 NOTICE OF PROPOSED water sewer related FEE INCREASESx SUPPORT DATA FOR INCREASE OF water and sewer fees
Notice of Intent to Increase Rates and Fees for Water and Wastewater Services
NOTICE OF INTENT TO INCREASE RATES AND FEES FOR WATER AND WASTEWATER SERVICES Pursuant to A.R.S. 9-511.01, notice is hereby given that the Town of Huachuca City is proposing to increase its water and wastewater service rates, fees and charges. The Town Council will hold a public hearing to receive comments regarding the proposed rate and fee increases on February 14, 2019, at 6:00 p.m., at Town Hall located at[ Read More …]
October 11 2018 Work Session and Council Meeting moved to Senior Center
The Work Session and Regular Council Meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 11 will be moved to the Huachuca City Senior Center, located at 504 Gonzales Blvd. The meetings are being moved due to a significant water leak at Town Hall. The Work Session will be held at 6:00pm and the Regular Council Meeting will be held at 7:00pm.
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