Citizens Police Advisory Board

The Town is seeking qualified applicants to be considered for appointment to our Citizens Police Advisory Board. Applicants must reside within Huachuca City, Whetstone or the surrounding communities and cannot be peace officers. There are additional eligibility requirements. Email [email protected] for additional information and an application. The Council will interview and select board members when we have a sufficient number of qualifying applicants.

Town Council Vacancy

The Town of Huachuca City is accepting applications from Town residents interested in being appointed to fill a vacant Town Council position. The Mayor and Council will make the appointment after reviewing the applications submitted. Pursuant to A.R.S. 9-235, the Council may appoint an individual who is eligible for election to the office of Town Council. To be eligible, the applicant must be a registered voter, must be a resident[ Read More …]

Water Main Break

Be advised that due to a water main break, residents in upper Huachuca City may be experiencing disruptions in water service. We hope to have the water back on in 2-3 hours. If the repair takes longer than that, we will update you here.

Public Hearing on Hemp and Recreational Marijuana Zoning Code

There will be a “virtual” public hearing on Monday March 15, 2021 at 6:00 pm at Town Hall regarding proposed text amendments to the Town Zoning Code for reasonable regulations for the following: 1) Cultivation of Industrial Hemp 2) Marijuana Facilities to include recreational marijuana establishments, medical marijuana dispensaries and medical marijuana cultivation/infusion sites 3) Recreational marijuana at an individual’s primary residence for personal use 4) Deleting requirements to register[ Read More …]

Part-time/Temporary Job Opening – Laborer

Huachuca City Landfill is seeking Temporary/Part-Time employee(s) to clean up wind-blown trash on and around the landfill property. This position pays $12.15 per hour and will be 20 hours or less per week. The duties include driving a Huachuca City vehicle on landfill property, picking up and bagging windblown trash that has accumulated on and around the landfill property and delivering the bagged trash to the working face. This is[ Read More …]