Public Notices

Facility Fee Schedule

TOWN FACILITY FEE SCHEDULE ESTABLISHMENT The Town Council will consider establishing Town Facility Fee Schedule at its meeting on _April 26th____, 2018 [Meeting date must be 60 days from the date that this notice is posted on the Town’s homepage.] The Facility Fee Schedule proposals will be as follows: PARKS & RECREATION PARK RENTAL FEE SCHEDULE RESIDENTS NON-RESIDENTS PARK RAMADA: BANDSTAND Per Use/Day: $25.00 $35.00 BARBECUE RAMADA Per Use/Day: $15.00[ Read More …]

Support Data – Facility Fee Schedule

HUACHUCA CITY FACILITY FEE SCHEDULE ESTABLISHMENT SUPPORT DATA The Town of Huachuca City, Arizona, is very low on its facility use fees. The existing fees need to be increased to fully recover the Town’s costs for maintaining the facilities and for covering the Town’s liabilities in allowing their private use. In addition, some uses were provided at no charge, and appropriate fees need to be established to reimburse the Town[ Read More …]

Notice of Intent – Facility Fee Schedule

NOTICE OF PROPOSED TOWN FACILITY FEE SCHEDULE ESTABLISHMENT The Town Council will consider establishing a new Town Facility Fee Schedule at its meeting on _April 26th____, 2018, at 7:00 pm, at Town Hall located at 500 N. Gonzales Blvd, Huachuca City, AZ. The Facility Fee Schedule proposals will be as follows: PARKS & RECREATION PARK RENTAL FEE SCHEDULE RESIDENTS NON-RESIDENTS PARK RAMADA: BANDSTAND Per Use/Day: $25.00 $35.00 BARBECUE RAMADA Per[ Read More …]

Schedule of Proposed Dump Truck Fee Increase

Schedule of Town of Huachuca City Dump Truck Rental Fee Increases The Town of Huachuca City, Arizona, is proposing to increase its dump truck rental fees as follows: • Increase the town dump truck rental fee from $20 per weekend to $30 per day, or $50 per weekend plus a $30 per ton deposit (3 ton maximum) with the remainder of deposit to be repaid the following week. These proposed[ Read More …]