Author: Huachuca City

Notice of Intent to Increase Rates and Fees for Water and Wastewater Services

NOTICE OF INTENT TO INCREASE RATES AND FEES FOR WATER AND WASTEWATER SERVICES Pursuant to A.R.S. 9-511.01, notice is hereby given that the Town of Huachuca City is proposing to increase its water and wastewater service rates, fees and charges. The Town Council will hold a public hearing to receive comments regarding the proposed rate and fee increases on February 14, 2019, at 6:00 p.m., at Town Hall located at[ Read More …]

Public Hearing – Planning & Zoning Commission

Huachuca City Planning & Zoning will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at 7:00pm. The topics will include proposed text amendments to:Sign Regulations, Manufactured Home Parks, Recreational Vehicle Parks, Mobile/Manufactured Homes Outside of Parks, Zoning Use Clarifications, Home Occupations and the Citizen Review Process. The Hearing will be held at the Huachuca City Town Hall located at 500 N. Gonzales Blvd., Huachuca City, AZ.

Citizen Review Meeting

Dr. Johnson, Huachuca City’s Building Official, will hold a Citizen Review Meeting on Monday, October 22 2018 at 7:00pm. The meeting will be at the Huachuca City Community Center, located at 201 Yuma Street, Huachuca City AZ. Dr. Johnson will discuss proposed changes to the Huachuca City Zoning Codes, including changes to the sign code, Manufactured Homes and RV Parks, Manufactured Homes Outside of Parks and Home Bases Businesses.